Interview with Jun Inoue

fluoro spoke to Jun Inoue, a Japanese artist whose work has seen him undergo a variety of practices, from street art in Tokyo to collaborating with brands and designers including Mihara Yasuhiro.

(f) What influences your style?


(JI) Everything. Art, street culture, Japanese beauty, nature, friends, children, my wife…. I don’t really know when or where I get inspiration.




(f) What materials do you work with and why have you choosen to work with those materials?


(JI) My main weapon is Sumi ink, liquid ink, gesso, whatever I use for graffiti, whatever draws a big line, whatever is lying around. Recently I have also been using cardboard.

There are many reasons.  Because they’re cheap, because they dry quickly or because they’re fun to use.

There is nothing more boring than to decide on the materials to use. If you want to experiment with all the many possibilities, the best thing to do is to try anything.







(f) What do you think is unique about design in Japan?


(JI) A lot of the superior design in Japan is simple. I feel that a lot of the pieces are work that is finely striped down design.

Conversely, there are terrible pieces all over town that have been made with the idea that the only thing that matters is that they sell. I am tired of seeing them. When I find a piece with superior design, being of the same ethnicity, my blood pressure rises and I get excited.





(f) Tell us more about practicing street art in Tokyo.


(JI) From the 1970s to the 1990s, there were many bike gangs called “Bosozoku” in Tokyo. They used to write their team names in Japanese around the city. These names can be said to be Japan’s original form of graffiti.

In the Japanese street art scene there are many muralists such Hitotzuki by Kami, Sasu, ShizentoMotel and Suiko. The live-paint scene is also popular with Dragon76, Doppel and Gravity Free, etc.  They are incredible artists that finish a very high quality piece in a very short time.

Many Japanese street artists are showcased in the Art web-magazine Red One Press.



現在の日本のストリートアーティストはKAMI,SASUによるHITOTZUKIを筆頭にSHIZENTOMOTELやSUIKOなどミューラリストが数多く存在し、またライブペイントシーンも盛んで、DRAGON76やDOPPEL、GRAVITY FREEなど、完成度の高い作品を短時間で完成させる素晴らしいアー


アートウェブマガジン Red One Press では、日本のストリートアーティストを数多く紹介しているので、是非見て頂きたいです。

(f) Why did you decide to apply your style to clothing and accessories?


(JI) Irrespective of fashion, my impulse came from the thought of seeing “what is the world of a collaboration”.

I met Mihara Yasuhiro by chance, really. After repeated consequential connections, I ended up meeting with Mihara. I lived in a small apartment at the time, and I got a call asking if I wanted to paint in stage at the Paris Collection. At the time, I had no reason to refuse.

In Australia, I’ve had the pleasure of painting in Melbourne and Sydney’s high-fashion boutique ASSIN. For me, painting in these stores has had tremendous significance in meeting Mihara.

ファッションに関わらず、コラボレーションは”どんな世界なんだろう?” 云った衝動や見たみたいと云った想いからきています。



小さいアパートに住んでいた頃、paris collectionの舞台で描いてくれないか?とミハラさんから連絡があった。


オーストラリアでは、ハイファッションセレクトショップASSIN のメルボルン店、シドニー店の店内に描かせてもらっています。


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