RUN: Dancer Master
Dancer Master is a vibrant and energetic multi-media exhibition by Italian muralist and street artist RUN.
Celebrating painting, rhythm, body language and dynamism Dance Master is a body of work created exclusively for London’s Hang-Up Gallery. The exhibition features a selection of drawings, sculptures and works on cardboard and vegetable fibre.
“Many years ago when visiting South India, a taxi driver that was driving me around the streets of the city of Colombo took me to a Hindu temple. Pointing to a statue of a divinity he said to me, “Here lies the dancer master”. The statue was beautiful; full of colours, with hands and arms that were made to give the viewer the impression of a dance of the spirit,” said RUN, as he described the core inspirations behind the show.
Since then, RUN’s work has taken the direction of multiculturalism and has a distinct ethnic flavour. His signature style can be defined as traditional craft meets fine art with a modern touch of the urban, street art influence. Fascinated with life, feelings, cultures and ideas, RUN welcomes us to a new world, a world that is complex, full of colour, and is both spiritual and vivacious.
Dancer Master is on display at Hang-Up Gallery in London from Saturday 21 June until Saturday 9 August 2014.