Lázaro Valiente: La Isla Bonita
Mexican artist Lázaro Valiente’s documentary film La Isla Bonita evokes a musical road trip through Brazil.
Valiente, who experiments and creates around travelling and new experiences, is both a filmmaker and a musician.
An event at Foundation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporarain, Paris sees Lázaro, with his creative partner Juan Caloca, revisit the documentary film with live orchestration. The event will also feature guest artists and unusual instruments for composing folks songs imbued with his South American wanderings.
“We are dedicating this night to the memory of a very famous travelling artist dog and one of the main actors of La Isla Bonita who passed away last year. This inseparable long-time canine friend is actually Lázaro, from which azar (serendipity) comes from,” said Lázaro Valiente.
La Isla Bonita was filmed in 2011 and will screen at Foundation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporarain, Paris on Monday 17 March 2014 at 8pm (CET).